But here are my thoughts on this...
Matthew 24:36 says that No man, nor the angels, or even the Son know when the Lord is going to return. Only the Father. That means that Harold Camping doesn't know, I don't know, you don't know. We just don't know. We can predict day after day but it doesn't matter because God has his own plan & his own timing.
I know that it is confusing because God & Jesus are of the same & equal to each other. Most people ask, how is this possible? How can Jesus not know when he's coming back? & honestly I don't know. It is beyond my comprehension but I believe it to be true. I have no reason to believe that it is not true.
Verse 40&41 are referring to the rapture but verse 42 says to BE ALERT because we don't know when this day is going to come. I believe that Jesus will return the way the bible says he will, 'like a thief in the night.' God wants you to be ready for his return all the time. He wants you to put your trust in Him & t0 have a relationship with you. If he told us the exact day he was going to return then we would try to clean up our lives up then decide we want to have a relationship with him & do all the stuff we are suppose to do. But, that is not how it works. (verse 43 explains this perfectly.)
As far as the bible concerns we have had signs that the world is coming to an end. It says there will be false prophets, we are seeing those. Nation will rise against nations, we are seeing that happening. Famines are happening, just like the bible has predicted.
If Jesus did come back tomorrow or next week or whenever. Are you gonna be ready? Do you know Jesus as your personal Lord & Savior? Because thats the only way to heaven. (John 14:6) If you have trusted in the Lord & you know him as your Savior then you have nothing to worry about.
I know how easy it is to be a procrastinator. (trust me, I'm the biggest one EVER but I'm working on it. Thats a whole different discussion though) It's easy to say 'I'll read my bible tomorrow, I'll pray tomorrow, I'll go to church tomorrow, blah blah, on & on'. So do those things now. Jesus wants a relationship with you & from my own experience it's the best thing that I have ever done. Don't think that you have to 'clean up your life' before you can come to Jesus. Jesus changes lives just the way you are now & he won't turn you away. He loves you even if you don't feel like he does. I know you might be thinking, 'how can God love me when all I've done is things I shouldn't have?' but trust me he does. He died on the cross for your sins! God would not put his Son through that unless He loved us unconditionally!
Even if it the world doesn't end tomorrow or next week or whenever BUT your life could. Not trying to scare anyone or whatever but it's true. & same for me too, I could die/you could die. Tomorrow is not guaranteed. Don't spend your time now saying well I'll do that "someday" because honestly that day may never come.
Anyways, there's plenty more I could say but this is enough for now. (: