Tuesday, November 16, 2010

If God is good, then why do people go to Hell?

I have heard people ask this for a long time & I decided that I would blog about it. Hell is a hard subject to talk about though. You may not want to believe that it is real & you may not want to believe what I'm about to say but for those who have had this question & want an answer this blog is for you.

We see from the bible that :

-Hell is a place of tornment (Luke 16:23)

-Hell contains fire that will never go out ( Mark 9:43)

-Hell is a place of intense sorrow (Matthew 13:41 & 42)

-Hell as a place of eternal punishment ( Matthew 25:46)

The first thing that we can see from the bible for a reason that people can go to Hell is because God is holy & we are not. Holiness is a part of God's character. God is perfect & he is the standard for what is right & wrong. So because God is holy, he can't have anything to do with sin. Most of you know the story of Adam & Eve, since they both took the apple & ate it we see that they could no longer be with God in the Garden of Eden. None of us are perfect. We lie to get out of things, we cheat on tests, only think of ourselves sometimes, & the list goes on. We change our minds but God never changes his. He is the same today, tomorrow, & many days after that. God is holy but he is also love. (1 John 4:16) The fact that people go to Hell might not seem fair to us but we are not holy like God is and we don't understand God or just how holy he is. So, those who refuse his salvation an eternal consequence.

God is eternal and he us for eternity. It is hard to understand but God has & always will be there. There was never a time when he didn't exist. In Ecclessiates 3:11it says that he has put eternity into our hearts. We were made to have a relationship with God, but our sinfulness gets in the way. Hell is a reality because of the fact that we are sinful.

So that doesn't exactly sound like what you want to hear? But God made a way out (John3:16) God loved us so much that he sent his son to die on a cross for us. So there is a way out. Maybe there is only one way but atleast there is a way. Because we were all sinners God could have sent us all to Hell right away because the wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23) but he didn't want that. He wanted us to be with him. Wow, do you know how amazing that is? Someone LOVES us so much that he would give up his son to die on a cross, to be beaten, have spikes go through his wrists & ankles, his legs were broken. He was in complete agony but he did that for me, & for you. The reality is that God doesn't reject people, people reject God. He could force us to worship him & allow us to get out of Hell but then he takes away our free will. Just like you want friends who want to be your friend because you are a great and worthy of being friends with God wants the same thing. He wants us to freely worship Him. He is a loving God and allows us to choose for ourselves. It is up to us whether or not we choose to accept God's free gift of salvation.

In my opinion I am so thankful that there is one way at all. God has done so much for us, why can't we worship him? because he is worthy of our praise! & God doesn't want anyone to go to Hell. I hope this helps (:

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